8853 S.p.A.
Sede operativa / Headquarter : Via Pitagora, 11 – 20016 Pero (MI)
Centro assistenza e servizio clienti /service center and customer care : via Albertini, 1 - 60131 Ancona (AN)
Sede Legale/Punto vendita / registered office and store : Via Mazzini, 16 – 20123 Milano (MI)
Tel./ Ph +39.02.8853.1
N.Verde / Toll-free number : 800 284 065
E-mail: 8853@8853.it – P.E.C./CEM 8853@legalmail.it
Partita Iva / Tax ID – Cod.Fiscale / Fiscal code – Reg.Imp./Commercial Register 10684110157
R.E.A./ Company Registration Number Milano 1397562
Capitale Sociale/ Registered capital Euro 1.100.000,00 i.v.
Operatore OCO Matricola / Buyer Gold Operator OCO251
Operatore OPO Matricola / Bank of Italy authorized operator 5000211
Azienda con sistema di qualità certificato secondo le norme/Company with certified quality system according to the standards:
UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
EN ISO 13485:2016
Azienda certificata Responsible Jewellery Council / Responsible certified Company Jewellery Council (COP & COC)